Animated 3D plotting with Blender: Difference between revisions

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== Important information ==
=Important information=
The script below has been tested with Blender 2.78a for Linux. It should generally be compatible with other versions and operating systems. The script works with the pristine Blender startup file; heavily modified startup files may break certain assumptions.
The script below has been tested with Blender 2.78a for Linux. It should generally be compatible with other versions and operating systems. The script works with the pristine Blender startup file; heavily modified startup files may break certain assumptions.

Line 12: Line 12:
'''Note that the animation data will not be saved with your .blend file!''' This means you must run the Python script on a pristine "background" .blend file each time you wish to examine the geometry or create a render. If the .blend file is saved, only the first frame will be captured.
'''Note that the animation data will not be saved with your .blend file!''' This means you must run the Python script on a pristine "background" .blend file each time you wish to examine the geometry or create a render. If the .blend file is saved, only the first frame will be captured.

== The script ==
=The script=
Code for <code></code> follows.
Code for <code></code> follows.
<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line>
<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line>
Line 381: Line 381:

== Output video ==
=Output video=
<html5media height="270" width="480">File:Animated 3D plot.ogv</html5media>
<html5media height="270" width="480">File:Animated 3D plot.ogv</html5media>

Revision as of 06:52, 9 November 2016

Blender is an extremely versatile 3D creation and animation suite. Since it is fully scriptable in Python, Blender may be used to generate animated 3-dimensional plots of data or mathematical functions. Below is an example of one way to generate such a plot.

Important information

The script below has been tested with Blender 2.78a for Linux. It should generally be compatible with other versions and operating systems. The script works with the pristine Blender startup file; heavily modified startup files may break certain assumptions.

To run the script, simply call blender --python

To create the plot in a different base file, instead use blender basefile.blend --python The order of arguments matters here.

Note that the animation data will not be saved with your .blend file! This means you must run the Python script on a pristine "background" .blend file each time you wish to examine the geometry or create a render. If the .blend file is saved, only the first frame will be captured.

The script

Code for follows.

# vim: se fo=tcroq tw=78 :
# Simple animated 3D plot example using Blender ( ).
# Given the function f(k, x, t)=exp(ikx-iωt), plots Re(f) against x and k,
# with colour given by Im(f) and t being the time.
# For pedagogical purposes, this just computes f at each frame (twice: once
# for the vertex positions and once for their colours). This is horribly
# inefficient; it would be much better to generate a 3D array for f(x, k, t)
# once and slice this array for each frame -- however, this is left as an
# exercise to the reader.
# To run, call
#   blender --python

import os.path

import numpy as np

import bpy

### Begin user settings
omega = 1
font = '/usr/share/fonts/cm-unicode/cmunti.ttf' # Must be a unicode font!
### End user settings

### Begin generic Blender rendering code
# Global object counter.
obj_ind = 10000

plot_id = None

line_material ='line')
line_material.diffuse_color = (0, 0, 0)
line_material.diffuse_shader = 'LAMBERT'
line_material.specular_color = (0, 0, 0)
line_material.specular_shader = 'COOKTORR'
line_material.use_shadows = False
line_material.use_cast_shadows = False
line_material.use_raytrace = True
line_material.ambient = 0

text_material ='text')
text_material.diffuse_color = (.15, .05, .035)
text_material.diffuse_shader = 'OREN_NAYAR'
text_material.diffuse_intensity = .9
text_material.roughness = 2
text_material.specular_color = (.6, .2, .1)
text_material.specular_shader = 'PHONG'
text_material.specular_hardness = 80
text_material.specular_intensity = .85
text_material.use_shadows = True
text_material.use_cast_shadows = False
text_material.use_raytrace = True
text_material.raytrace_mirror.use = True
text_material.mirror_color = (.7, .3, .15)
text_material.raytrace_mirror.reflect_factor = .3
text_material.emit = 0
text_material.ambient = 0

plot_material ='plot')
plot_material.specular_color = (.5, .5, .5)
plot_material.specular_shader = 'COOKTORR'
plot_material.specular_intensity = .2
plot_material.use_shadows = True
plot_material.use_transparent_shadows = True
plot_material.use_raytrace = True
plot_material.use_transparency = True
plot_material.transparency_method = 'RAYTRACE'
plot_material.alpha = .95
plot_material.specular_alpha = 1
plot_material.raytrace_transparency.depth = 5
plot_material.use_vertex_color_paint = True

text_font =

def heatmap(heat):
    """Heat map: given a "heat" between 0 and 1, return a tuple of RGB
    r = np.max((2*heat-1., 0))
    b = np.max((1.-2*heat, 0))
    return (r, 1.-r-b, b)

def zheat(z, zmin, zmax, **kwargs):
    """Colour a vertex based on its z-height compared to the minimum and
    maximum z-values that occur."""
    return heatmap((z-zmin)/(zmax-zmin if zmin != zmax else 1))

def plot_function(x, y, func, auto_axes = True, xmarks=None,
        ymarks = None, zmarks = None, labels = None, thickness = 0.025,
        text_rot = None, colourfunc=zheat, zmin = None, zmax = None):
    """Plot the function (lambda) func of x and y. The resulting surface is
    smooth-shaded. Vertices may be coloured according to colourfunc: this is a
    function that accepts the following parameters and returns an RGB-tuple:
        x, y, z, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax"""
    global obj_ind, plot_id

    ids = {
        'axes': [],
        'axis_labels': [],
        'xmarks': [],
        'ymarks': [],
        'zmarks': [],
        'xlabels': [],
        'ylabels': [],
        'zlabels': []

    if text_rot is None:
        text_rot = np.array((0, 0, 0))

    if plot_id is None:
        obj_id = 'plot_{}'.format(obj_ind)
        obj_ind += 1
        # Generate all vertices in the plot at z = 0
        verts = [(i, j, 0) for i in x for j in y]
        faces = []
        count = 0
        # Build faces from the vertices
        for i in range(len(y)*(len(x)-1)):
            if count < len(y)-1:
                faces.append((i, i+1, i+len(y)+1, i+len(y)))
                count += 1
                count = 0

        # Create a mesh and an object at the origin
        mesh =
        obj =, mesh)
        obj.location = (0, 0, 0)
        mesh.from_pydata(verts, [], faces)

        # Create a new vertex colour map
        colours =

        # Set material

        # Smooth-shade polygons
        for pol in
            pol.use_smooth = True
        obj =[plot_id]
        colours =

    verts =

    # Move vertices to their correct position
    for v in verts: = func(,

    sv = sorted([(,, for v in verts], key=lambda q: q[2])

    # Colour vertices
    for pol in
        for idx in pol.loop_indices:
            co =[[idx].vertex_index].co
  [idx].color = colourfunc(x=co.x, y=co.y, z=co.z,
                xmin=np.min(x), xmax=np.max(x),
                ymin=np.min(y), ymax=np.max(y),
                zmin=sv[0][2], zmax=sv[-1][2])

    if auto_axes and plot_id is None:
        # Axes
        ids['axes'].append(add_line(np.array((min(x), min(y), 0)),
            np.array((max(x), min(y), 0)), thickness, False))
        ids['axes'].append(add_line(np.array((max(x), min(y), 0)),
            np.array((max(x), max(y), 0)), thickness, False))
            np.array((min(x), min(y), sv[0][2] if zmin is None else zmin)),
            np.array((min(x), min(y), sv[-1][2] if zmax is None else zmax)),
            thickness, False))
        # Axis marks
        if xmarks is not None:
            for pos, label in xmarks:
                p = np.array((pos, min(y), 0))
                    p-np.array((0, 1.5*thickness, 0)), thickness, False))
                if label is not None and len(label) > 0:
                        p-np.array((0, 7*thickness, 0)), label,
                        thickness, text_rot))
        if ymarks is not None:
            for pos, label in ymarks:
                p = np.array((max(x), pos, 0))
                    p+np.array((1.5*thickness, 0, 0)), thickness, False))
                if label is not None and len(label) > 0:
                    ids[ 'ylabels'].append(add_text(
                        p+np.array((7*thickness, 0, 0)), label,
                        thickness, text_rot))
        if zmarks is not None:
            for pos, label in zmarks:
                p = np.array((min(x), min(y), pos))
                        1.5*thickness/np.sqrt(2), 0)), thickness, False))
                if label is not None and len(label) > 0:
                        p-np.array((7*thickness, 7*thickness, 0))/np.sqrt(2),
                        label, thickness, text_rot))

        # Axis labels
        if labels is not None:
                np.array((max(x)+8*thickness, min(y), 0)),
                labels[0], 2*thickness, text_rot))
                np.array((max(x), max(y)+8*thickness, 0)),
                labels[1], 2*thickness, text_rot))
                np.array((min(x), min(y),
                    (sv[-1][2] if zmax is None else zmax) + 8*thickness)),
                labels[2], 2*thickness, text_rot))

    if plot_id is None:
        plot_id = obj_id

    ids['plot'] = plot_id

    return ids

def add_text(r, text, size=0.025, rotation=None):
    """Add text at the position r. Size is a relative parameter; use
    trial-and-error here."""
    global obj_ind
    obj_id = 'text_{}'.format(obj_ind)
    obj_ind += 1
    rot = [np.pi/2, 0, 0] if rotation is None else rotation.tolist()
    bpy.ops.object.text_add(location=r.tolist(), rotation=rot)
    obj = bpy.context.active_object = obj_id = obj_id = text

    # Set the font = text_font = -2*size = -2*size = 0.0 = 8*size = 1 = 4*size = size/3

    return obj_id

def add_line(r1, r2, w=0.01, rel_w=True):
    """Add a "line" (cylinder) between the points r1 and r2. The width is
    either w (if rel_w is False) or w*|r2-r1| (if rel_w is True)."""
    global obj_ind
    obj_id = 'line_{}'.format(obj_ind)
    obj_ind += 1
    rc = (r2+r1)/2 # Centroid
    rr = r2-rc # Position of r2 relative to centroid
    r = np.sqrt(np.sum(rr**2))
    theta = np.arccos(rr[2]/r)
    phi = np.arctan2(rr[1], rr[0])
            radius=.5*w*(r if rel_w else 1), depth=2*r,
            location=rc.tolist(), rotation=(0, theta, phi))
    obj = bpy.context.active_object = obj_id
    for pol in
        pol.use_smooth = True

    return obj_id
### End generic Blender rendering code

def frame_change(scene):
    """Update the plot for a given frame."""
    frame = min(max(scene.frame_current, 0), n_frames - 1)
    plot_function(x, k, funcgen(t[frame]), colourfunc=colgen(t[frame]))
    # Update the t-indicator[ttext_id].data.body = 't = {: >4.3f}'.format(t[frame])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Set up x, y and t data
    n_frames = 51
    nx = 101
    nk = 101
    xscale = 1/2
    kscale = 1/3
    zscale = 2
    x = np.linspace(0, 10, nx)*xscale
    k = np.linspace(0, 4*np.pi, nk)*kscale
    t = np.linspace(0, 10, n_frames)

    # Function to plot
    func = lambda x, k, t: np.exp(1j*(k*x-omega*t))*zscale
    # Generator for plottable function f(x, k) at time t
    funcgen = lambda t: lambda x, k: np.real(func(x, k, t))
    # Colour generator
    colgen = lambda t: lambda x, y, **kwargs: \
            heatmap((np.imag(func(x, y, t))+1)/2)

    # Absolute z range for axes
    azmin = -1*zscale
    azmax = 1*zscale

    # Axis marks
    xmarks = [(i*xscale, str(i)) for i in range(1, 11)]
    kmarks = [(j*np.pi/2*kscale, '{}π/2'.format(j if j != 1 else '') \
        if j % 2 == 1 else '{}π'.format(j // 2 if j != 2 else '')) \
        for j in range(1, 9)]
    zmarks = [(z/10*zscale, str(z/10)) for z in range(-10, 12, 2)]

    # Hide the 吸牛 splash screen
    bpy.context.user_preferences.view.show_splash = False

    # Remove existing meshes
    for item in bpy.context.scene.objects:
        if item.type == 'MESH':
    for item in
        if item.type == 'MESH':
    for item in

    # Set the camera position['Camera'].location = (11, -6, 5.5)['Camera'].rotation_euler = (1.1, 0, 0.8)

    # Let all texts face the camera
    rot = np.array(['Camera'].rotation_euler)

    # Initial t=0 plot; this also sets up the axes.
    print(plot_function(x, k, funcgen(0),
        True, labels=('x', 'k', 'z'), text_rot=rot, xmarks=xmarks,
        ymarks=kmarks, zmarks=zmarks, zmin=azmin, zmax=azmax,

    # Text label indicating current time
    ttext_id = add_text(np.array((5.6, -1.2, 0)), 't = {: >4.2f}'.format(0),
        size=0.05, rotation=rot)

    # Set min/max/current frame['Scene'].frame_start = 0['Scene'].frame_end = n_frames - 1['Scene'].frame_current = 0

    # Add frame change handler. This is what makes the animation happen!

    # Add some environment lighting
    wld =['World']
    wld.light_settings.use_environment_light = True
    wld.light_settings.environment_energy = .5

    # Add a white backdrop plane
    plane_material ='backdrop')
    plane_material.diffuse_color = (1, 1, 1)
    plane_material.use_shadeless = True
    bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(location=(0, 0, -5))
    bpy.context.active_object.scale = (50, 50, 0)

Output video

<html5media height="270" width="480">File:Animated 3D plot.ogv</html5media>